Blogger Layouts

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

This year I really wanted to have a real tree.
We usually just put up our artificial one, which is nice,
but there is nothing like a real tree.
In the past, when we have had real trees,
we just go to a tree lot and pick one already cut.
They are nice, but this year I wanted the "real deal".
A tree WE cut ourselves.
We allowed each of the boys to take a turn cutting the tree.
So here is the result.
It is a 9 foot Douglas Fir.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Here Fishy Fishy Fishy!!!

Chris was given the opportunity to go fishing on
the Columbia River with Chloe and her family.
He is proud to say he had the ONLY catch of the day.
And a good catch it was.

31 inch Steelhead

(Apparently fish shrink as they dehydrate throughout the day.
His measurements right after the catch was 31 inches,
mine when he got home that night was only 29. Still a good catch).

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dashing/Cutie Patootie's

PROM MAY 15, 2010

(a classmate and friend)


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Welcome to the Family

Benjamin and Nicholas have had a "wish list" for a very long time.
Number one on that list....A PET!!!
Oh yes.
If any of you know me, as well as you think you do, know
I am NOT a pet person.
Oh ya they are cute and cuddly.
BUT... they are another responsibility.
So one day they came to me again asking.
I was having a good day, so I said sure...........BUT!!!
I made a deal with them.
The deal was, THEY needed to show ME some responsibility.
I told them that for 1 week they had to keep their things picked up.
The living room floor was to be clean every night before bed,
dishes were to be put in the sink after they were done,
clothes put in the laundry room after taking then off.
This was from a Sunday to a Sunday.
If they could show me I would do my part too, keep my promise.
They did pretty good.
The first couple days were amazing.
I didnt even have to remind them.
After a few days I had to give a reminder.
But for the most part they did good.
So when the weekend came, it was the discussion of
WHAT pet it would be.
Ben: A German Shepard
Nic: A Bearded Dragon(lizard)
THAT was NOT the kind of pet I was thinking,
altho I knew that was what they would have expected.

SOOOOOO, after a much awaited arrival, here is our new PET!!!

There are actually 4 of them.
"Tiger" "Mantis" "Fred" and "George".
If you could not tell from the pictures they are
Praying Mantises.
They are 6 days old today, and about the length
of your thumb nail.
We have only had them 16 hours, but so far so good.
We will see how this all goes as time passes.
I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Benjamin the "BOBCAT"

Benjamin turned 8 years old back in August,
and has been faithfully attending scouts since then.
He has successfully accomplished all the requirements to receive
the first rank of the Scouting Program, which is the BOBCAT.
Last night, at the award ceremony, Benjamin received the badge.
Part of the process in receiving the badge,
(they don't just hand it to you)
is DAD turning his son upside down while MOM pins the badge on.
Ben thought that was so funny.
The rule with the badge is, it is pinned on upside down.
When Benjamin does a good deed for mom,
she turns the badge right side up.
(I will be anxiously awaiting that good deed).
Another part of receiving a new rank is a pin, for MOM.
I was privileged to have Ben pin my "mom's pin" on me.
That was awesome.
Benjamin is well on his way to receive the rank of "EAGLE SCOUT".